Legislative & Policy News
I hope to share relevant news articles and updates that my constituents may want to hear about, highlighting the work I am doing for you and the issues we are facing. These will all be found in my Legislative Update Newsletters as well.
During my time in the Legislature I have spent much of my time in my germane committee, Health & Welfare. I am in this committee every morning of the Legislative Session and we hear largely about the Medicaid program and oversee the state’s Department of Health & Welfare. It has been eye-opening, to say the least, to learn about the state’s budget in these areas, the positive impacts of the program and the shortfalls and failures of the program. With all that I have learned, I am very concerned about the longevity of our welfare program for the most vulnerable in our communities. This has become one of the primary issues I have been taking on.
I have also been taking on many other pressing issues that constituents have brought to my attention that I will highlight below. As always, I appreciate active participation in our republic and appreciate hearing from you!
2022-2024 Legislative Sessions
The 67th Idaho Legislature
The Virtual Health Care bill, H162, from 2023 that I sponsored was featured in Forbes!
Click below to read the entire article
Click below to read my Opinion article regarding Medicaid Reform in the CDA Press
2023 Sponsored Legislation
HB162 – Virtual Health Care – a bill to update current “Idaho Telehealth Access Care Act” to the terminology “Virtual Care” to increase access for health care for Idahoans. PASSED
H103 – Parks & Rec – recreational participants personal responsibility and liability while participating in recreational activities in state parks. PASSED
H215 – Pharmacy Benefit Managers – Law Enforcement bill; a bill to give the Idaho Department of Insurance statute to hold PBM’s accountable for breaking existing Idaho law. PASSED
H291 – Fair Pharmacy Audits – a bill to establish minimum and uniform standards for audits of pharmacies in the state. This bill is modeled after Florida Gov. DeSantis’ bill that protects small business from billion dollar Big Pharma companies that have been taking advantage of states with no law regarding audits to “shake down” small business pharmacists seemingly in an effort to put them out of business. This bill received testimony from pharmacists from all across the state attesting to this issue and supporting this bill. This is a protection for small business in Idaho as well as medical freedom. PASSED
H5 – Food Stamp Revolving Fund Repeal – a bill to repeal an obsolete fund and to clean up statute. PASSED
H200 – Managed Care Medicaid– a bill to add in statute to provide the delivery of Medicaid services through pre-paid health plans to decrease the cost of the program and increase efficiency.
STATUS UPDATE: Original bill was held in committee and a replacement House Concurrent Resolution (HCR9) to form an investigative committee is being heard on the House Floor.
HCR9 – Managed Care Medicaid Task Force – a house concurrent resolution to create a task force of stakeholders from around the state to determine cost benefit analysis for the Medicaid program and to find the best solutions for long-term stability and care. PASSED
H330 – Cigar Tax Cap – a bill to cap the tax on premium cigars at $0.50 each rather than the 40% tax currently on all tobacco products. This bill is purposed to help alleviate burden on small business and even the playing field against internet and out-of-state retail sales. PASSED
RS30364 – Property Rights Protection- revising provisions regarding rental usage restrictions by a homeowners association, city or county.
STATUS UPDATE: Will be brought back in next year’s session.
HB160 – Medical Freedom in Health Districts – a bill to require informed consent to the public on all medical determinations by Health Districts by providing risk/benefit fact sheets.
STATUS UPDATE: Currently in House Health & Welfare Committee – Will be brought back in next year’s session.
2023 Co-Sponsored Legislation
HB71a – Vulnerable Child Protective Act; prohibits genital mutilation of children. PASSED
SB1004 – Enhanced Stand Your Ground/Self-Defense Immunity
UPDATE: Held in the Senate.
Draft Stage, ESG Bill; prohibiting ESG/social credit score usage in the State of Idaho.
UPDATE: New ESG bills came up that I was in favor of (H189-Held and H190-PASSED)
HB76 – Property Rights, HOAs, and Farming
UPDATE: Held in House Business Committee for amendments.
SB1161, Empowering Parents Tuition Micro-Grants; a bill to give a limited number of micro-grants under the “Empowering Parents Program” for non-public school tuitions including micro-schools.
UPDATE: Passes Senate, Held in House Education.
HB295, Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act; prohibits credit card companies from tracking purchasing firearms and ammunition in the state of Idaho. PASSED
S1054, Expanding Scope of Practice for Optometrists; adding the use of certain laser therapies to their industry statute to allow for them to practice in Idaho at their full education and training level.
UPDATE: passed in Senate, Held in House Health & Welfare.
S1005 (Carried on the House Floor), Vaccine Notification for Daycares; this bill requires that daycare facilities must provide a parent or guardian with information about their rights as stated in Idaho state law to exempt their child from vaccine requirements when presenting information regarding daycare vaccine requirements. PASSED
2024 Sponsored Legislation
HB419- MEDICAID REFORM; a bill to add accountability measures and guardrails into the Medicaid program to add budget stability and create a sustainable program for the truly needy in Idaho. STATUS UPDATE: Held in House Health & Welfare
HB418- ASSISTANT PHYSICIANS; a bill to expand on the Bridge Physicians bill passed last year to allow physicians to complete their residency requirements in smaller provider environments.
Draft- MANDATORY MINIMUMS FOR CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN; a bill to strengthen Idaho's laws against offenders committing crimes against children and use fines toward a victim’s services fund.
Draft- PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGERS; adding to the legislation I passed last year to add more transparency and accountability in order to drive down the cost of pharmaceuticals to the patient.
Draft- CHIROPRACTORS AND CONCUSSION PROTOCOL; a bill to add chiropractic physicians to the list of qualified health professionals permitted to return a youth athlete to participate in a sport after suspected concussion.
Draft- PHARMACY RULES INTO STATUTE; a bill to codify the pharmacy rules that have been positively revised in the last 5 years into statute.
Draft- E-VERIFY/ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION; a bill to require employers to employ only legal citizens or people here on work visas.
Draft- SHERIFFS PAID FOR SERVICES; a bill to allow County Sheriffs to be paid for their services provided to incorporated cities.
Draft- 10 COMMANDMENTS IN SCHOOLS; a bill to require a poster of the 10 Commandments to be in each classroom, donated funds used for this (not taxpayer dollars).
Draft- SCHOOL CHAPLAINS; a bill to allow for schools to employ a School Chaplain in addition to, or instead of, a school counselor.
Draft- NO RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION FOR ADOPTION & FOSTER; a bill ensure that faith-based foster and adoption providers remain free to serve children in need.
Draft- SHORT TERM RENTALS; a bill to revise the current code to clarify that cities and counties cannot prohibit or limit short-term rentals/vacation rentals.
2024 Co-Sponsored Legislation
HB415- FIREARMS & TEACHERS; a bill to allow teachers and school staff to concealed carry a firearm on school property. An advanced concealed carry course is required.
Draft- SCHOOL MODERNIZATION & TAX RELIEF ACT; a bill to redirect lottery funds and sales tax distribution to school district facilities while eliminating August election for school levies and decreasing overall income tax rate for Idahoans.